Strong personalities, plunging necklines, raw talent, and a collective of the year's best musicians all at the same place and same time. Yes. We're talking about the 2016 Grammy Awards. Grammy Season was filled with a touching tribute to the late David Bowie by Lady Gaga, outbreak winners, and a few decidedly uncomfortable exchanges between dueling artists. And lest we forget, we all became Beliebers when Justin took home his first gold statue. Who wouldn't want to be part of the exhilaration and angst of award season?
Sillin was honored to participate in the illustrious 2016 Grammy Gift Lounge. Tabitha Sillin represented and introduced her brand, designs, and lifestyle to the likes of professional athletes, comedians, musicians, models, and actors. Cool as a cucumber, Tabitha worked the room and made connections, forged connections, and welcomed the stars to her world. We feel fortunate to have been included in this star studded opportunity.

Tabitha hanging out with professional linebacker for the Saints, James Anderson, and stunning and poised model Carissa Rosario.

Sillin is a huge fan of actress, comedian, and dancer Gabrielle Dennis. Best known for her role as Janay on the hit CW series The Game.

Teddy Duckett was nothing short of charming. This cool musician can hang with us any time.

Kendra Foster is a lovely musician and singer with the clearest, and smoothest voice. We love listening to her song PON THE PHONE (UNDERSTAND IT).

We are completely smitten with the powerhouse that is Christy McGinity. This actress is all personality and laughter. She's best known for Little Women: LA and Death to Smoochy. Keep tabs on her sparkling personality via her IG account.

Tabitha enjoyed meeting rising star Justin Tinucci. But do not be deceived by his youth. Justin has been working as an actor and musician since age ten. From blockbuster films like The Muppets, to staples on television like iCarly, and Trophy Wife. This young man is definitely one to watch.